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ApartSIL C18 ODS-P is a specialized high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
column designed for reversed-phase chromatography. The "C18" refers to the octadecylsilane
(ODS) functional groups bonded to the silica particles, while the "P" often indicates a
specific modification or enhancement of the standard C18 phase. Here's a detailed overview
of ApartSIL C18 ODS-P:
1. General Characteristics
 Type: Reversed-phase HPLC column.
 Stationary Phase: Silica particles coated with C18 (Octadecyl) chains.
 ODS (Octadecylsilane): The ODS refers to the bonding of long-chain alkyl groups
(18 carbon atoms) to the silica surface, creating a hydrophobic stationary phase.
 "P" Designation: The "P" typically suggests an enhanced or modified version of the
standard C18 ODS phase. This could involve factors like increased bonding density,
endcapping, or special treatment to improve the column's performance.
2. Particle and Pore Characteristics
 Particle Size: Available in various particle sizes, such as 3µm or 5µm, which impact
the column's efficiency, resolution, and backpressure.
 Pore Size: Generally around 100 Å (angstroms), suitable for separating a wide range
of molecular weights, particularly small to moderately large molecules.
 Surface Area: High surface area due to small particle size, leading to increased
interaction with analytes and improved separation efficiency.
3. Functional Groups and Bonding
 C18 Chains: The C18 chains provide strong hydrophobic interactions, making this
column ideal for separating non-polar and moderately polar compounds.
 Enhanced Bonding: The "P" might indicate that the C18 groups are more densely
bonded or that the silica support has been treated to provide improved stability and
4. Applications
 Pharmaceutical Analysis: Commonly used for the separation and quantification of
pharmaceutical compounds, including active ingredients and impurities.
 Environmental Testing: Suitable for analyzing organic pollutants, pesticides, and
contaminants in environmental samples such as water, soil, and air.
 Food and Beverage Analysis: Applied in testing for additives, contaminants, and
nutritional components in food products.
 Biochemical Analysis: Useful for separating peptides, proteins, and other biological
molecules in complex mixtures.

 Clinical Research: Effective in analyzing biological samples, such as blood or urine,
for drugs, metabolites, and biomarkers.
5. Performance and Stability
 High Efficiency: Provides high efficiency and sharp peak resolution, essential for
accurate quantification and identification of compounds.
 Improved Stability: The "P" modification typically enhances the column's stability
under various conditions, such as extremes of pH or temperature.
 Extended Lifetime: The enhanced bonding or endcapping often results in a longer
column life, even under rigorous conditions.
6. Operating Conditions
 pH Range: Typically stable across a pH range of 2 to 8, making it versatile for
various types of mobile phases.
 Temperature Range: Effective over a wide temperature range, often up to 60-80°C,
depending on the specific column design.
 Mobile Phases: Compatible with a variety of organic solvents such as methanol,
acetonitrile, and aqueous buffers, allowing flexibility in method development.
7. Maintenance and Care
 Column Conditioning: Proper conditioning with the recommended solvents before
initial use is essential for optimal performance.
 Cleaning Protocols: Regular cleaning with appropriate solvents (e.g., methanol,
acetonitrile) helps remove strongly retained contaminants and prolongs column life.
 Storage: When not in use, the column should be stored in a suitable solvent like
methanol or acetonitrile to prevent drying out and microbial growth.
8. Advantages of the "P" Modification
 Enhanced Selectivity: The "P" designation might offer improved selectivity for
certain types of analytes, especially those that are challenging to separate using
standard C18 columns.
 Reduced Tailing: Improved endcapping can lead to reduced peak tailing, particularly
for basic or polar compounds.
 Robustness: The modified phase often provides better robustness under a wider range
of conditions, including harsh mobile phases or extreme pH values.
9. Variants and Customization
 Different Particle and Pore Sizes: ApartSIL C18 ODS-P columns are available in
various configurations to cater to specific analytical needs.
 Column Dimensions: Available in different lengths and internal diameters, allowing
customization based on the application requirements, such as analytical versus
preparative chromatography.
10. Technical Specifications

 Silica Support: Made from high-purity silica, ensuring minimal metal contamination
that could interfere with the separation.
 Bonding Technology: Advanced silanization techniques are used to bond the C18
chains to the silica, enhancing the column’s stability and performance.
 Endcapping: Often extensively endcapped to mask any remaining silanol groups,
further improving peak shape and reducing interactions with basic compounds.
11. Applications in Research and Industry
 Pharmaceutical Quality Control: Widely used in the quality control of
pharmaceuticals, providing reliable separation of active ingredients and impurities.
 Environmental Analysis: Effective in trace analysis of organic pollutants in
environmental samples.
 Food Safety Testing: Plays a crucial role in the analysis of contaminants,
preservatives, and other additives in food products.
 Chemical Manufacturing: Utilized in monitoring chemical processes and
purification steps.
 Clinical and Biomedical Research: Used in the separation and identification of
complex biological molecules in research settings.
12. Method Development
 Optimization Flexibility: The column's robustness and enhanced selectivity allow
for flexibility in method development, making it suitable for a broad range of
 Compatibility with Gradient Elution: The column performs well under both
gradient and isocratic conditions, offering versatility in method design.
13. Regulatory Compliance
 Pharmaceutical and Food Testing: Often used in methods that meet regulatory
standards such as those from USP, EP, or FDA, ensuring that it can be employed in
validated and compliant analytical procedures.
14. Manufacturers and Suppliers
 Availability: ApartSIL C18 ODS-P columns are produced by various manufacturers
specializing in chromatography products, with specifications that might vary slightly
depending on the source. Consulting the product datasheet is recommended for
precise details.
 Technical Support: Manufacturers typically provide comprehensive technical
support and documentation, including detailed user guides and troubleshooting
Overall, the ApartSIL C18 ODS-P column is a versatile and high-performance HPLC tool,
offering enhanced stability, selectivity, and robustness compared to standard C18 columns. It
is widely used across various fields, including pharmaceuticals, environmental testing, food
safety, and biochemical research, where reliable and precise chromatographic separation is

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